Integration therapy

Psychedelics and plant medicines are powerful teachers and can offer deep healing, visions, insights and change us and our neural networks in profound ways. They can dissolve the illusion of separation and create connection to all that is. It is not just about using these medicines in ceremony or indidual sessions, but the work really begins when we integrate the messages and wisdom into our daily lives. They continue to work through us after the ceremony and experience. 

It is my intention to support you with integration and how to best use the guidance that you were given through the medicine. I can offer ongoing support and integration through integration therapy to connect you back to the messages. The medicine helps to support you in embodying the energy of the medicine.

Going back to your daily life may bring challenges and we are here to support you in the integration to best navigate through those challenges. It is about making the choice to recognize that you are a sovereign being and can either choose to be a victim of the challenges or to be the mountain in your life and weather all the storms by standing strong and empower yourself to create the life you are worthy of living. Things don’t happen to us; they happen for us. It’s not always what we want, but it is always what we need. We are the creators of our life, and we can bring the messages and healing into our lives. It is about making that conscious choice to overcome ourselves and live life in the most authentic way.

Integration therapy can support you in continuing to align with the messages of the medicine to live the life you are ready to live